Our Stories


 Green Tree and The Little Sparrow

Again the light of the summer’s sun is peeping through the curtain of my leaves making me believe that there is someone else once again strengthening my roots in this temporary earth. The other day a sparrow came to rest upon my branches and asked me, “Hey green tree! How are you?”

“Fine”, I replied softly.
Thirsty and tired little sparrow asked me in astonishment, “What gives you strength to stand with pride during these killing sunny days? I have no reason to smile and I always see you smiling.”
I smiled and replied, “God has gifted me these green leaves and they are because of this summer. I stand not with any pride but with pleasure that the creation of God is coming and relaxing upon my branches.”
The little sparrow quenched her thirst from the water available in the pond under my shadow. She looked relaxed and then she flew away.
The next day the little sparrow came there again. This time she asked in a curious tone, “Is it possible that I stay with you forever? I have been watching you for months staying with a smiling face, helping others and spending your life peacefully. I want to see you all the time helping others, making them smile and helping them to quench their thirst.”
The green tree thought for a while. Though it was a helping shelter for many by but it never thought of keeping someone close forever. With this fear in its mind it replied, “O my sweet little sparrow! I have no problem keeping you closer to me but I’m afraid that when the winter comes you won’t be much relaxed with me. I won’t have the same green branches in that season. Will you be able to stay with me then?”
The young sparrow, who had been so much impressed by the character of the green tree, said in a decisive tone. “My dear Green Tree!  I will stay with you in wind and rain. I want to stay with you forever”.
The Green Tree, who had never learnt the art of saying no, thought for a moment and then said, “OK. As you wish. You may stay with me. I will try to help you whenever you need”.
The preceding days were full of happiness for them. The little sparrow was happy to find the company of the one whom she admired and idealized in her life. On the other hand the Green Tree, despite his same routine of helping others, was happy to find a companion who sang songs for him and brought him comfort in painful times.
One afternoon, a blue sparrow came and sat in the branches of the tree. The green tree, as usual, felt relieved to help someone in difficulty. Suddenly he heard his friend little sparrow shouting at the new comer, ”Hey! Why are you sitting here? Stay away. If you are thirsty, drink water and go away.“ This made the green tree alarmed but he couldn't say anything since he didn't want to offend his friend sparrow.

With the passing days, the behaviour of the little tree changed too much. Now she was going away in the morning and was coming very late. Sometime she was not having any contact with the green tree for many days. Her tone was also changing day by day. On his asking the little sparrow would reply, “ Hmm, I don’t feel it necessary to tell you about everything I’m doing.”    

The green tree was a little astonished but as per his habit he thought that it must have been due to any health issue with the little sparrow. He thought that the things would be fine again but it was his over optimism.

Another day the sparrow, along with some of her new friends, came to the tree and totally ignoring her kind spiritual friend, started eating some seeds of the tree. The kind green tree though felt painful but didn't complain. She flew away again with saying even a word of thanks.

One day she told the green tree that she was going to her native place for some days. This too happened accidently when the green tree asked her going in hurry. After a couple of days, another sparrow whom the tree had seen flying with his friend little sparrow, came to drink water under the tree. The green tree called her and asked about his dear friend the little sparrow. The sparrow looked at his and smiled. She said after awhile, “O kind green tree! You are too good to believe and you are very simple too. The little sparrow is now with another green tree. The same she had left earlier and came to you. She was very happy there and I saw her singing and enjoying again.”

For a moment, the green tree couldn’t believe what he had heard. Soon after he smiled and said, “Thank God! At last she found her real destination.”

It is month of May again and I can still hear the echo of those words, “What gives you strength to stand with pride during these killing sunny days?” And I softly answer myself; it is my fate to burn under this scorching sun and help the ones who need shadow. How lucky I am!


  1. such an inspiring nd thought provoking piece of ur wonderful writing sir. its really a true depiction of ur thoughts and noble ideas having a gr8 meaning in it. i really liked it

  2. Thank you for your appreciation. In fact these are our stories, so I don't claim it entirely mine. Yes, it has deep meaning and only those can understand who can see beyond the surface of the things.


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