Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Lost Paradise

It was not unexpected reaction after a careless address of a "responsible" person, but I'm really amazed to see how quick a magic wand can extinguish burning flames. While talking to some the friends and other people in Karachi, I came to the conclusion that people believe in unconfirmed news (specially those which match their mindset). They think more on ethnic basis than on merit. Commenting on different news items also depends upon mindset. Conspiracy theories are very common and overall people are confused even they talk about civil war in such a normal way that shows their ignorance about at least the long lasting effects, if not the meaning. I wish people could think with their own mind and not with the taboos they have been living with for quite some time. I wish the change could also come with the same speed with which the burning flames turn into flowers. I dream of a happy and peaceful future after passing the road of dialogue and tolerance. I dream of the same paradise which we had lost after tasting the forbidden fruit of hatred. Do we have the will to get the lost paradise back??

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